There’s no way to sugarcoat it – the midterms turned out to be a pathetic showing for Republicans. Not only did the “red wave” never materialize, Democrats overperformed nationwide against a backdrop that should have proven toxic for liberals and their preferred policies. Some have speculated that the results prove that the country is more liberal than what was previously assumed. There’s some validity to the point. However, Arizona is trending in the right direction with Election Day votes being counted (at a snail’s pace), appearing to break massively for Kari Lake and other Republicans down ticket and if the Nevada trend holds, it will certainly surprise the country.
A few have speculated that the results aren’t largely unexpected due to the outbound migration from leftist-run states to more conservative-leaning states like Florida. An example of this would be the amount of north-easterners who recently relocated to Florida from places like New York. Some are looking at the numbers and concluding that Lee Zeldin needed this vote in order to win New York, but otherwise couldn’t because they all voted for DeSantis. I’ll slightly concede this point – ever so slightly. Why? How does one explain a numskull like John Fetterman winning in Pennsylvania or an avowed Communist like Mandela Barnes coming so close to winning in Wisconsin? How did tyrants like Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan, the same Jezeebel who locked down the state and sent droves to their deaths during said lockdowns, win re-election? Florida’s numbers, although swelled by the aforementioned recent inbound migration, do not prove that most Republican voters who moved from northeastern states like Massachusetts are the critical difference.
Some have placed the blame squarely on the Republican Party’s ineptitude and cowardice, due to, among other factors, having no coherent messaging to rally around other than “Biden’s bad. Vote for us.” This I can agree with because the facts are there to support the notion. Consider that Ron DeSantis is wildly popular with Floridians due to his freedom-based policy-making for Florida and his unwavering attitude against wokeness and other forms of Marxism. (By the way, his victory in the state makes the 2024 presidential race much more competitive – and I think Trump knows it.) Georgia Governor Brian Kemp easily won reelection because, among other things, he championed the securing of Georgia’s voting laws and keeping taxes low in the state. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt won an overwhelming victory in the senate race due to his very public fight against Big Tech’s censorship practices. In contrast, what did Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy offer the country? McConnell withdrew spending in crucial races at crucial times in order to spite Trump. McCarthy thought the House was a forgone conclusion for Republicans because so many people dislike Biden and sat on his laurels. This is typical of the modern Republican Party’s prevailing attitude – all defense, no offense, no positive vision which voters can rally around.
Another perspective – and this point hearkens to the first point made in the article – is that the US is undergoing balkanization. Commentator Jordan Schachtel put it this way:
There are limited blocs of Americans who believe in freedom. They have decided to live where it can flourish. I don’t think there are enough to win a national election outside of fraud margins. Freedom loving Americans should accept this reality & give up on DC fantasizing. Instead of sending candidates to dc to fix things, send candidates to dc to break things. Otherwise, keep your best assets in house, bolster sovereignty within your domain, and insulate your society from the regime. That’s the clear path moving forward.
This is a localism movement that is thankfully becoming more prevalent in different areas of the country and in line with a more conservative vision – meaning states having more autonomy and moving further away from the federal government’s control. Hey, if New York voters prefer chaos and death, they can have it. Just keep it away from Florida!
Lastly, we cannot forget that fraud and ballot-harvesting is still very prevalent in US elections. No one will convince me that states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and others who have not rolled back their Covid-based universal voting schemes are administering clean elections. This point might appear to poke holes in the narrative which gives credence to the country being more liberal than many think. However, about 2.7 million votes for brain-dead John Fetterman? Surely, that must be a combination of fraud and a good amount of imbeciles who voted early without vetting the candidates. Additionally, Nevada rolled back their universal voting schemes and look at how the races are turning out – favoring Republicans. If elections aren’t cleaned up at the state level, this will have various ripple effects, including repressing voter turnout due to a justified lack of confidence in the system.
That’s my take. We’ll underscore some other things during the next Absolute Truth; Absolutely Livestream on Thursday, 8PM. Hope you’ll join us.