Sloganeers are Evil

Description: Recently, a self-avowed “romantically attracted to women”, The Gospel Coalition contributor stated that Christians can support some slogans such as Black Lives Matter, Love is Love and Women’s Rights are Human Rights. This happening is a prime example of why sloganeering is a tool constantly used by demagogues, with the express intent of fooling the undiscerning into accepting ideas that inherently contradict God’s design and Word. We explore the matter further during this edition of the podcast.


Christian Supported Programs Have Helped Destroy the Nuclear Family

Description: A recent study helped shed light on how American social programs, like the Great Society, have actual helped destroy the nuclear family in the country. The worst part about this is that Christians, when the program was first presented by President Lyndon Johnson in the 60s, supported the policy because it was “biblical” and “well-meaning”. In this episode we talk about how Christians are in many instances complicit in the advancement of the destruction of God’s design by their support of wicked policies, enabled by a lack of Biblical thought and consideration.

Can A.I. Rewrite the Bible?

The World Economic Forum’s resident “thinker” Yuval Noah Harari recently stated that A.I.s like ChatGPT would eventually “create” a new religion and even a new Bible. Is this possible or are his prognostications nothing more than a smokescreen for the digital puppet masters that program apps like chatbots to disseminate their secularist views?

Inside the Drama over the Contentious Speaker of the House Vote

Kevin McCarthy’s ascension to the role of Speaker of the House of Representatives isn’t a surprise to those who are informed by justified levels of cynicism regarding human nature. Although the 20 or so holdouts stood firm for a while, it became evident that the pressure valve would be released so long as McCarthy agreed to change House rules moving forward. According to some, this has been the entire point of the “Never Kevin” exercise: politicians like Matt Gaetz knew that McCarthy coveted the Speakership as much as Biden’s predilection for sniffing select young maiden’s hair. Hence, in order to be granted the position, he had to agree to certain conditions. Among them were:

– Reduce the threshold for a vote of the “motion to vacate” from the traditional five members of Congress to just one. (This is a rule that Nancy Pelosi did away with which had been part and parcel of House rules for years on end. Additionally, McCarthy’s concession over this point is the most important among the rest, as I’ll explain shortly.)

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