The Bandwagoners are Deserting Biden’s Sinking Ship

That didn’t take long – actually, it did. Let me explain. Just a few hours ago, Joe Manchin (the West Virginia senator whose centrism is a carefully crafted lie) has called for Brandon to apologize to the coal workers in his state, due to Brandon’s most recent declarations in California:

So it’s going to become a wind generation. And all they’re doing is it’s going to save them a hell of a lot of money and using the same transmission line that they transmitted the coal-fired electric on, we’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America and having wind and solar power, also providing tax credits to help families buy energy efficient appliances, whether it’s your refrigerator or your coffee maker, for solar panels on your home, weatherize your home, things that save an average, experts say, a minimum of $500 a year for the average family.”

Manchin derided the comments in a published statement:

President Biden’s comments are not only outrageous and divorced from reality, they ignore the severe economic pain the American people are feeling because of rising energy costs…Politicizing our nation’s energy policies would only bring higher prices and more pain for the American people. Let me be clear, this is something the President has never said to me. Being cavalier about the loss of coal jobs for men and women in West Virginia and across the country who literally put their lives on the line to help build and power this country is offensive and disgusting. The President owes these incredible workers an immediate and public apology and it is time he learn a lesson that his words matter and have consequences.

Manchin’s outrage is very curious, to say the least. (I’m being sarcastic. What I mean to say is that his anger is feigned and meant to deflect from his supporting Biden throughout the years.) Remember that this is the same politician who rubber-stamped Biden’s scaled-down version of the euphemistically named Build Back Better Plan in August of this year under the guise of a budget reconciliation package – the very same package that is, among other things, further weaponizing the IRS against middle and low class Americans to the tune millions more in funding and an additional 87,000 agents. Yes, readers. This is the same law that is already adding trillions to the national deficit, raising taxes and adding to the crippling inflation the US is currently undergoing due to Brandon’s and the Democrats (including Manchin) policies.

Now, what does this proverbial throwing under the bus action have to do with Biden supporters deserting his sinking ship? Suddenly, after approximately 2 and a half years of shilling and obfuscating for Biden and the Democrats, the leftist mainstream media is also abandoning the SS Brandon. Consider that none other than the New York Times and the Clinton News Network (a.k.a. CNN) are writing articles highlighting Senile Joe’s blunders and outright lies. These are the same folks who do everything they can to run interference for “the Big Guy”.

Do these actions provide evidence that certain former defenders of His Senility are growing a conscience? Absolutely not! These are cases of the betrayers doing what they usually do to innocents and are now doing it to each other.

Important Lesson: There’s a reason why these charlatans are now denouncing Brandon – they know the public suffers from a malady called forgetfulness. Many voters will wittingly wormhole all of the evil, betrayal, corruption and prevarication undertaken by Manchin, the media and other snakes. Hence, the about-face. Don’t fall for it.